North York Zoning Ordinance York County, Pennsylvania As Adopted by the North York Borough Council - December 18,2003 This Ordinance was prepared under the direction of the North York Borough Council. We have partnered with the General Code website where you may view all categories of ordinances for Jackson Township of York County, Pennsylvania.. As new ordinances are created, they will be added to this screen for your viewing. All of our Township's ordinances are now online, and we encourage you to make yourself familiar with them. NEWBERRY TOWNSHIP, YORK COUNTY, PA Zoning Ordinance July 25, 2006 Article 1 - 4 April 25, 2012 Article GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 . 2 TABLE OFCONTENTS Page DESCRIPTION 6 ARTICLE I SHORT TITLE, PURPOSE ANDCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Page York County, Pennsylvania. 1 RothPlan Harry B. Roth, AICP Lancaster, PA Zoning Ordinance for Warrington Township York County, PA Enacted: Jan. 20, 2010 Released: November, 2008 York County Pennsylvania Zoning Ordinances Supervisors: Dan Mcgregor, Chairman Harlen Anderson, Jr, Vice-Chairman Jeffrey Propps Zoning Officer Karen Riddle Revised Edition 7/20/2007. 3336 Bridgeview Road PO Box 429 Stewartstown, PA 17363. Zoning in York County dates back more than sixty years to the Board of Supervisors' adoption of the first Zoning Ordinance on January 24, 1957. Zoning Ordinance Content Guide (PDF) For those municipalities looking to update your zoning ordinances, or create your own zoning ordinance, the York County Planning Commission has developed the York County Zoning Ordinance Content Guide. Phone: 717-993-2027 • This Ordinance is enacted for the following purposes: 1. This guide is intended to serve as a model starter's kit for local municipal zoning ordinances. The Agricultural Clean and Green Program is managed by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. SECTION 265-103. The County's current Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1995 and has been amended many times since then. Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance. Map – Historic Village Overlay (HVO) Zoning Map To promote, protect and facilitate one or more of the following: the public health, Agricultural odor complaints should be directed to the York County Conservation District at (717) 840-7430. The Township’s Code of Ordinances are codified and searchable by key word. You can request to view recently enacted, updated or revised ordinance by contacting the Clerk to Council at 803-628-3954. jackson township, york county will have a snow emergency in effect from 7:00 am thursday 2/18/2021 through 12:00 pm (noon) friday 2/19/2021!!! SECTION 101 SHORT TITLE This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the “Newberry Township Zoning Ordinance of 2006.” SECTION 102 PURPOSE This Ordinance is enacted to promote, protect and facilitate: 1. Dover Township does not get involved in Landlord/Tenant disputes. Ordinances are often revised and updated to meet the changing demands for York County. An ordinance of Springettsbury Township, York County, Pennsylvania, amending and restating the Zoning Ordinance of 1990, as amended, permitting, prohibiting, regulating, restricting and determining the uses of land, watercourses and other bodies of … In addition you can review the many ordinances of York County on the American Legal Publishing website. This chapter, which shall be Chapter 265 of the York Township Code, shall be known as the "York Township Zoning Ordinance of 2012." The following link will take you off-site to the Township’s Codification vendor, which is a trusted site: Code of Ordinances. PURPOSE A. Zoning Ordinance . Ordinance Number This project was partially funded by a Community Development Block Grant, as administered by the York County Planning … Their phone number is (717)-787-4737.
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