Hello everyone! Andrea Cobb Find a Show     Find a Breeder     Find a Vendor    Sign in to eCat      Shop, Find a Show     Find a Breeder     Find a Vendor Sign in to eCat      Shop, Find a Show      Find a BreederFind a VendorSign in to eCat      Shop. Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) booth at the 2008 CFA International Cat Show in Atlanta on November 22, 2008. Homepage der Bavarian Cat Fancier Association mit Informationen rund um die Katzenzuchtbeim Vereinsregister offiziell eingetragenen Dachorganisation in Deutschland Wir bitten unsere Mitglieder, die Kontaktdaten aktuell bei If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. The Cat Fanciers' Association Incorporated OFFICERS President MISS ELSIE G. HYDON Bogota, New Jersey Secretary-Treasurer MISS LILLIAN M. GOODWIN … The American Cat Fanciers Association will provide efficient, accurate, professional quality services to our members and customers. February 26-February 28: Winners Announced Entry Clerk: ♦  Learn more♦  View the gallery♦ Order merchandise, 07febAll Day28Virtual Cat CompetitionTrapKing’s From Feral To FancyTNR Fundraising Cat Photo Contest(All Day) Event Type :Virtual Cat Competition, February 7-February 21: Entries accepted Judging begins 9:00am Saturday and Sunday The International Cat Association® (TICA®) is the world's largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats, the largest registry of household pet cats and kittens. The ACFA is a cat registry for purebred, pedigreed cats, experimental breeds of cats, and household pet cats. From the feral neighborhood cat to your beloved pet that shares your home, all cats are welcome! The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA), ZYMOX & Oratene Present: TrapKing's "From Feral to Fancy" TNR Fundraising Cat Photo Contest PRESS RELEASE PR Newswire Feb. 3, 2021, 04:00 PM CFAとはCat Fanciers’ Association Inc.の略称。世界最大規模の純血種猫の血統登録を持つ愛猫家団体です。本部はUSA ニュージャージーに有ります。 The Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc., CFA本部 CFA Japan Region CFAジャパンリジョン – convenience – CFA Breed/Color Designation Charts コートカラーチャート Score Your Cat’s CFA Finals グランドポイント、リジョナルポイント計算機 Format: 6 AB / 2 SP We, in cooperation with the CFA Breed Councils, are building a coalition of breed specific rescue groups, as well as locally operated rescue organizations. 2026 Treybrook Court, Imperial, MO 63052 It's endorsed by the Humane Society of the United States, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the American Humane Association, and many other progressive animal welfare organizations. … American Cat Fanciers Association The Friendly Association Originating in 1955, ACFA is known as the Fairest, Friendliest and most Fun feline association! Show Hours: Check-in 7:30am-8:30am Saturday Cat Fanciers Association - Welcome to eCat online services. ACFA American Cat Fanciers Association ANCATS Australian National Cats, Inc. (formerly Waratah) ASC Association of Super Cats Russia – Votes are $1 Each QFA Inc is a member organisation of the Australian Cat … The Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc. 260 East Main Street, Alliance, OH 44601 Phone: (330) 680-4070 / Fax: (330) 680-4633 Order National/Regional Points Ring Reports. Become A Card Carrying Member $13 RagaMuffin Cat Fanciers | RagaMuffin Cat Fanciers is a CFA affiliate club to promote and support the RagaMuffin breed. Cat Fanciers' Association DNA test is a genetic screening panel used to gain insight into inherited traits and health conditions to facilitate better management of parent selection for breeding programs. How to fill out an entry form Join us at Companion Cat World and get a membership card, savings, and fun events! © 1995-2021 The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. Phone: 636-464-4821 Sharon McKenzie Full details at https://vcc.cfa.org/trapking2021/, February 7-February 21: Entries accepted Our Persian colors consist of blue, black, brown and 603 Fox Creek Crossing, Woodstock, GA 30188 We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. The CFA is currently the world's largest registry of pedigreed cats and known as the most prestigious pedigreed cat registering association in North America. This system allows you to: Register Pedigreed Cats and Litters. Burton’s Cattery is a CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) registered Cattery. アメリカに本部を置く世界最大の血糖猫登録団体 The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) の日本支部です。 This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. The flat-faced, wide-eyed Exotic has been named America’s most popular pedigreed cat breed. The Cat Fanciers' Association - 1.13k Followers, 34 Following, 605 pins | The World's Largest Registry of Pedigreed Cats. Queensland Feline Association Inc. was founded in 1975 and to date is the largest registering cat control council in Queensland. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Entry Clerk: CFA 2019-2020 Breed Winner GC BWR RW SantaCats Check Meowt of Xpressions Known as the teddy bear of the cat world, RagaMuffin cats are famous for their docile disposition, loving nature and sweet expression. The American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA) is an American non-profit organization formed with the intent of allowing greater flexibility in the development of pedigreed cats. The Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc. 260 East Main Street, Alliance, OH 44601 Phone: (330) 680-4070 / Fax: (330) 680-4633 You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. The Cat Fanciers’ Association is a non-profit organization founded in 1906 and headquartered in Alliance, Ohio, USA and is the world’s largest registry of pedigreed cats. – Votes are $1 Each Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. While our main focus is the CFA recognized breeds, our ever-growing network of concerned breeders, pet owners, and fosters work with many organizations to secure the safety of all cats. Welcome to the CFA’s eCat System. Renew Cattery Registrations. The New Zealand Cat Fancy (NZCF) has just under 40 affiliated clubs throughout the country and is an organisation able to trace its beginnings back to the early 20th century when people interested in pedigree cats first grouped together to form a body to reflect their interest. This round-up of the country’s most coveted kitties comes from The Cat Fanciers’ Association … Email: inrxs@juno.com, Online Entry Form Showing your Household Pet Register with Companion Cat World. Show Rules, 24feb6:00 pm7:00 pmVirtual EventCFA MEOWY HOUR6:00 pm – 7:00 pm EST Event Type :Online Webinar, 27febAll Day28Cat Club of the Palm BeachesSanford, Florida(All Day) Event Type :Cat ShowLocation:Region 7 (Southern), Judges: R. Goltzer(AB), J. Adelhoch(AB), D. Williams(AB), K. Currle(AB), C. Fogarty(AB), R. Webb(AB), J. Reding(LH/SH), C. Knapp(LH/SH) Format: 3 AB / 1 SP / 4 HHP This group is created to discuss the CFA shows in England and facilitate communication. Copyright Information | Privacy Statement | Contact CFA | Contact Webmaster. Davis is an African American cat rescuer in dedicated to Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), widely considered the only humane way to stop cat overpopulation. The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA), ZYMOX & Oratene Present: TrapKing's "From Feral to Fancy" TNR Fundraising Cat Photo Contest By The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. Feb 3, 2021 Phone: 404-307-9367 Show Hours: Check-in 7:30am-8:30am Saturday xxix, 495 pages : 24 cm THE CAT FANCIERS' ASSOCIATION COMPLETE CAT BOOK provides both breeders and pet owners with an easy, authoritative, and engaging reference book on their beloved pet "The official publication of アメリカにある本部 CFA、正式名称 THE CAT FANCIERS' A SOCIATION, INC.は、CFA本部 = CFAセントラルオフィスを1906年にアメリカのニュージャージー州に創立、2011年8月より本部はオハイオ州へ移 … NewBee site The Cat Fanciers' Association ( CFA ) was established in the United States in 1906. Welcome to the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. CFA’s mission calls … We specialize in bi-color and tabby Persians and bi-color Himalayans (pointed and white Himalayans). Email: andrediecats@gmail.com, The Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc.260 East Main Street, Alliance, OH  44601Phone: (330) 680-4070   /   Fax: (330) 680-4633. February 7-February 26: Vote for Your Favorite Cats! The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA), ZYMOX & Oratene Present: TrapKing's "From Feral to Fancy" TNR Fundraising Cat Photo ContestPR NewswireCLEVELAND, Feb. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- … [1] Elizabethcat は The Cat Fanciers Association(CFA)登録 サイアミーズ(シャム猫)専門のブリーダー&キャッテリーです。 CFA Cattery of Distinction 仔猫の情報はKittensへ。サイアミーズ(シャム猫)の出産情報があります。 Pay for CH or PR Title Confirmations. TICA was the first and now the world's largest-registry to allow household cats of unknown ancestry to compete for … American Cat Fanciers Association Breeders' Directory ~~~~~ Important Information from ACFA Please read this Cattery of Distinction to those catteries meeting the requirements of this program . Homepage der Bavarian Cat Fancier Association mit Informationen rund um die KatzenzuchtMitglied in der FFE (Feline Federation Europe) e.V., der ersten und … February 7-February 26: Vote for Your Favorite Cats! February 26-February 28: Winners Announced, Full details at https://vcc.cfa.org/trapking2021/, 10feb6:00 pm7:00 pmVirtual EventCFA MEOWY HOUR6:00 pm – 7:00 pm EST Event Type :Online Webinar, 17feb6:00 pm7:00 pmVirtual EventCFA MEOWY HOUR6:00 pm – 7:00 pm EST Event Type :Online Webinar, 20febAll DayWorld Wide Feline FanciersLawrenceburg, IN(All Day: saturday) Event Type :Cat ShowLocation:Region 6 (Midwest), 101 Speedway Drive, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025, Visitor Hours: Sorry, no spectators due to Covid-19 restrictions, Judges: M. Auth(AB), T. Sweeney(AB), S. Powell(AB), B. Colilla(LH/SH) COVID Attendee Waiver Form We will provide all services in a friendly and respectful manner befitting the integrity of our Association, and we will support our most … 1月16日17日のショーが無事に終わりました事、皆様に感謝いたします。  新コロナ禍の折、ショーが開催出来ました事、エキジビター・各クラブ・ジャッジの皆様、メインスポンサーROYAL CANIN J […], 2021年1月23,24日に開催予定の神戸のキャットショーに向けて、コロナ対策も含めまして、万全の体制で皆様をお迎えできます様にと準備を頑張って進めてまいりました。しかし、COVID-19のために、最終的に当クラブではエ […], 2021年1月23.24日に、神戸で開催いたします上記のキャットショーですが、ジャッジの変更がありましたので、フライヤーを更新いたしました。コロナ渦の中での開催ですが、十分な配慮をもって準備してまいりますので、皆様のご出 […], いつも世話になっております。 2021.2.14 ジャパンダンシングのキャットショーですがコロナの様子を見ていましたが開催は難しいと判断し延期とさせていただきます。 また次回開催する日程が決まりましたら改めて連絡させてい […], リジョンショーのフライヤー改訂版を作成いたしました。下記ボタンからPDFをダウンロード出来ます。3人の外人ジャッジとカメラマンのシャナンは来日しませんのでご注意下さい。 1/16 土曜日 1/17 日曜日 Y.HAYAT […], 2020年2月1日開催予定だったショーについて、ご予定いただいていたみなさまに、開催できなかった旨をお詫び申し上げます。 2019年に遭遇した交通事故の後遺症による痛みの為、後半は殆ど寝て過ごしていました。10月末、前デ […], 12月13日に行われます横浜ベイのショーでジャッジの変更が発生しましたのでお知らせいたします。 前田実ジャッジ → 濱安衣都子ジャッジ, ジャッジプログラム委員会は、トレイニーが最低6つのクラスを完了し、最低200匹の猫を扱うことを要求します、ジャッジングプログラム規則6.2bの明確化を提示しました。これは理事会によって承認されました。代替プログラムの申請 […], 今週に入り全国的に新型コロナ感染者の数が更新されております。この事態を受けて急なお報せとなりますがComodo Cat Fanciers では皆さまに次のお願いをさせていただきます。 敷地内での食事を禁止とさせていただき […], Judges: Y. TAKANO(AB) A. TAMURA(AB) M. TSUCHIYA(AB) T. TSUCHIYA(AB) E. HAMAYASU(AB) Y. SADA(SH) E. MISUGI(LH) Entry Limit:65 Entry Clerk:Keiko Muto E-mail:entrycfa@gmail.com フライヤー:コモドCF&テレストリアルCC. Judging begins 9:00am Saturday, 8:30am Sunday

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