Millennial Slang. Heaps you missed dunno if ya know most the slanglike a terrier=never gives up .pull your head inmongrel can mean a few things like if someone is a beast at footy they can be a mongrel in a good waysame as grouse I think its spelt that in Victoria they use that as great,cool,awsome,but you made a good list,keep it going. If a skill you had is rusty, it is not as good as it was. Primarily heard in US. Dank Really cool 35. 4. A point to where not even rust can hold you back. Information and translations of rusty in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. It has been used in various languages since the early 20th century as a means by which members of the LGBT community identify themselves and speak in code with brevity and speed to others. Of a yellowish-red or brownish-red color. Shook Confused or in utter disbelief 37. Beat To have a full face of makeup 34. Get up off your rusty-dusty and go take out the trash! Russian Coffee-house * Rusty Guts High-key Straight up truth 38. - meaning and definition See more. LGBT slang, LGBT speak, or gay slang is a set of slang lexicon used predominantly among LGBT people. Fam A group of friends who feels more like family 39. But now it's time to let go. Definition taken from The 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, originally by Francis Grose. 33. How to use rusty in a sentence. General CommentI LOVE the way he uses the rusty term. 2. slang One's buttocks. Ghost When you completely disappear after hanging out and showing interest 36. Slag. For example, if its lashing rain, you may want to just stay inside. 2. You've reached your breaking point to where you become fearless and careless. Covered with rust; corroded. Rusty definition, covered with or affected by rust. est 1. This term means its raining heavily. 3. 12. Consisting of or produced by rust. Learn more. Find 20 ways to say RUSTY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Rusty definition is - affected by or as if by rust; especially : stiff with or as if with rust. Definition of rusty in the dictionary. Not only is it symbolic for trapped anger (the cage) it's also rusty, meaning that no matter what it won't open for it has rusted over. rusty definition: 1. covered with rust (= metal decay): 2. Mom The most responsible friend in the group Slang Define: What is Rusty Taco? Meaning of rusty. jay and deans mom has a rusty taco See vag, cunt, pooter, vagina, tw an older womans vagina(80 years or older) usually dripping an odd smelling substance.

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