After Spock temporarily regained control of his mind, he initiated a mind meld with Worf in order to successfully fight Malkus' influence. (TOS novels: Ishmael, Strangers from the Sky), Spock had a half-brother named Sybok, from Sarek's first marriage. During this trip, Spock spent time conversing with T'Lana, the ship's new Vulcan counselor, about his time on the original Enterprise, but the conversation proved unsatisfactory for T'Lana when she found herself unable to understand Spock's ability to reconcile his respect for Kirk with his acknowledgement of his former captain's illogical nature and his decisions to sometimes ignore Spock's suggested course of action. Spock returned to active duty in Starfleet, assuming the role of first officer on the Enterprise. Sarek requested that both McCoy and Spock's body be brought to Vulcan so that the two could find peace. Spock (full name S'chn T'gai Spock) was a famed half-Vulcan/half-Human Starfleet officer who served the Federation in the 23rd and 24th centuries. There, Spock defused the situation was by making a screeching noise to prevent Lt. Lee Kelso from firing his phaser at the Archernarians. By his next canon appearance in TOS episode: "Where No Man Has Gone Before", Spock had been promoted to lieutenant commander and been made first officer of the Enterprise. But Zar refused to abandon his troops on the eve of battle and would not help with the Guardian. After sending Saavik off to Vulcan for medical attention, Captain Garrett took the Enterprise to Narendra III and defended the Klingon civilians from the sneak attack, at the cost of the lives of her crew and ship. This began a new rift between Spock and Sarek that would last until Sarek's death in 2368. (TOS novel: Cast No Shadow). By approximately 5259, a statue of Spock had been built on New Vulcan, surrounded by a number of monuments. Using his torch to scare the animal off, once out of danger Spock looked at the still-shocked Human, and realized just who he had rescued: one James Tiberius Kirk, who had been marooned on the planet by that era's Spock for mutiny. Despite having to cut that mission short (so he could rescue a captured Vulcan woman named Soleta, and see her safely back to Federation space by way of a freighter named Qualor's Pride), Spock was still the Federation's greatest, living authority on Thallon, and thus his expertise was needed in the crisis. His uniform was not seen, but again, his dual divisions of service meant that he could have worn the red uniform shirt of a command officer or the blue shirt of a science officer. When Valeris refused to divulge the new location of the peace talks, Spock forcibly retrieved the information by establishing a mind-meld with the unwilling Valeris. On Romulus, Spock (who was suffering from the early stages of pon farr) assisted in taking Draleth, who ordered the Narendra attack without the authorization of the Romulan Senate, into custody. This is a list of fictional creatures and aliens from the universe of the long-running BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who, including Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, K-9 and K-9 and Company.It covers alien races and other fictional creatures, but not specific characters. By making contact with the Crown of the God-King Jaenab, which allowed him to make telepathic broadcasts to his people, while Kirk kept Jaenab occupied, Spock used a mind meld to share his own experience of different cultures interacting by using his own parents as an example, the discovery prompting Jaenab to call off his crusade and enter isolation to examine his own motives. Overwhelmed by the battle, the Enterprise was disabled. Spock succeeded in bringing the warp engines back online, and the Enterprise was able to escape the detonation of the Genesis Device. He ordered Maltz to beam everyone else except himself, Kirk, and Spock on board his ship. When the five-year mission of the Enterprise came to an end in 2270, Captain Kirk recommended Spock for the command of the science vessel, the USS Grissom and the USS Enterprise. The Lady Perrin was not in attendance. Spock was taking his shore leave in Yosemite National Park with Kirk and McCoy when the call about an emergency on Nimbus III (aka "The Planet of Galactic Peace") came in. She also returned a brooch that Spock's mother had given her before the wedding that never happened. Feb. 1 and Wed. Feb. 3 Estimated delivery date help - opens a layer Estimated delivery dates - opens in a new window or tab include seller's handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of cleared … After Spock completed a three-year tour (around the turn of the 2250s decade) as an ensign and assistant science officer aboard a cutter and a two-year tour (ending December, 2253) as third officer and science officer of the USS Artemis, he was promoted to full lieutenant and joined the crew of the USS Enterprise as chief science officer and second officer in 2253, under the command of Captain Christopher Pike. The Enterprise returned to Earth in 2287 so that chief engineer Montgomery Scott could track down the numerous bugs that popped up. Copernicus: Sentinel-1 — The SAR Imaging Constellation for Land and Ocean Services. (EV comic: "Flesh of My Flesh"), Spock was friends, and often worked with, Armand St. John, who claimed Spock was the only person in the Federation capable of understanding his brilliance. Pike by then had come to respect Spock's dedication to logic, and felt that Spock would keep young Captain Kirk from acting rashly. (TOS episode: "Journey to Babel"), In 2268, the Enterprise was ordered to covertly enter the Romulan Star Empire and retrieve a Romulan cloaking device. (TOS - Vulcan's Soul novels: Exodus, Exiles, Epiphany; ST novel: Articles of the Federation), Spock was on Romulus when the mad Reman Praetor Shinzon assassinated the Senate and attempted to seize power in late 2379. We write high quality term papers, sample essays, research papers, dissertations, thesis papers, assignments, book reviews, speeches, book reports, custom web content and business papers. Spock's decision to attend Starfleet Academy was influenced by his interactions with B6 Blue, a Nasat scientist on Vulcan during Spock's youth. Sarek had left his place at Amanda's deathbed when the Federation contacted him about a diplomatic emergency, knowing that he would never see his wife alive again. While it could be supposed that Spock could have held a third position as some sort of operations manager, it seems more likely this was a mistake based on foreign artists' unfamiliarity with the appearance of the television characters. He also discovered a star, Hobus, had gone supernova which threatened to destroy Romulus, and attempted to intervene. Shortly before his death in 2368, Sarek told Captain Jean-Luc Picard that he secretly admired "the proud core of him that would not yield." Spock apparently could have worn gold but instead stayed with blue. Spock saw his sacrifice as his solution to the Kobayashi Maru scenario, and asked Kirk what he thought of his solution. As his recovery seemed to take a turn for the worse, Spock was confronted in his home by a representation of himself from one of the variant Mirror Universes, who had come to attempt to gain the secret of the Genesis device from his counterpart's DNA. Spock's Starfleet commission was inactive after his retirement following the Khitomer mission, but he was still held in reserve as an officer. The two Spocks set off for the mirror-universe, following Kirk in the Bird-of-Prey, who had re-commandeered the USS Excelsior from James T. Kirk, and taken her to the mirror-universe in an attempt to forestall an invasion. Spock and his cohorts managed to escape from the "planet killer" just prior to its destruction. When reactivated as science officer and first officer in TOS movie: The Motion Picture, Spock's commander insignia was unchanged but worn on uniforms with color-coded patches. He left the group shortly after a production of Hamlet in which he played Polonious in 2293. He showed Spock a message Pike had recorded for Spock. Soon after, Kirk and his crew took the Bird-of-Prey to the Regula I space station in order to have a funeral service for David Marcus with his mother, Carol while the still-unstable Spock recuperated on Vulcan. Spock, aboard the Jellyfish, was sent to the 23rd century, as was Nero aboard the Narada, instantly creating an alternate reality. His cells were regenerated as that of a child's, which began to rapidly age as the Genesis Planet aged. When Saavik was ready, Spock sponsored her application to Starfleet Academy. At the age of seven, Spock defied his father's wishes and journeyed into the Vulcan desert known as the Forge in an attempt to complete the kahs-wan, the traditional Vulcan coming of age ritual. Pike asked Spock to convey some of his ashes back to Earth, and to present the Talosians petition to not only repeal General Order 7, but to join the Federation as well. On a unnamed planet, Spock encountered the Red Angel from his childhood. (ST - Spock: Reflections comic: "Issue 2"), In 2254 he diagnosed, and helped to cure the vessel from a Ngultor virus. When the Enterprise senior staff decided to return to Earth to face the consequences of their actions in early 2286, Spock decided to travel with them to offer his own testimony. Spock landed on the surface of the planet to find a rebuilt city. The council ordered Kirk reduced to the rank of Captain, but gave him the command of the USS Enterprise-A. So long as he did not violate Romulan law, he was free to promote his unification agenda. As Spock sat in his cabin afterward he felt Berlis probing his mind and killed him in order to avoid further interference by Berlis. Despite his efforts, feelings of friendship and affection persisted for his human friends, Kirk and McCoy, as well as the sense that his friends were in some sort of peril. Spock decided to attend Starfleet Academy anyways the following year, rendering the sacrifice of Burnham's opportunity unnecessary. Biography Early life. The mitigating circumstances caused by the probe's visit to Earth prompted the Federation council to dismiss all but one of the charges - which was directed solely at Admiral Kirk. Sybok took the Enterprise through the barrier at the center of the galaxy, hoping to release The One, whom Sybok believed to be a God-like being from Sha Ka Ree, the Vulcan "heaven". Spock's body had by now reached the same age as it was just prior to Spock's entering the dilithium crystal chamber of the Enterprise. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek: The Motion Picture), In 2269, Spock was sent back 5,000 years into the past of the world Sarpeidon, and had a brief but passionate relationship with Zarabeth, a woman that had been banished to live out her life alone in the barren, frozen wasteland of Sarpeidon's northern hemisphere. By the era of the Dominion War, Spock was reactivated as an admiral. Zar used his telepathic power to direct the Guardian to deposit him on Sarpeidon's southern continent, where he would begin his life's work. (TOS comic: "Legacy of Spock, Part 1"), With Vulcan no longer an option, Spock travelled to Romulus in an attempt to initiate the peace process that he had played in back in his own reality, but was captured by the Romulans and accused of trying to destroy Romulus early based on the words of the last two survivors of Nero's crew. Spock at first did not welcome her and retreated to his room. He then wished his younger self good luck, after which he witnessed the promotion of Jim Kirk to captain of the USS Enterprise. Soon after Spock's reunion with Saavik, the couple tended to the needs of Spock's Pon Farr. The Watraii affair made an already unstable situation in the Romulan hierarchy even worse. It was a mind of pure logic, yet was empty, and it stirred his human emotions and blood. When Kruge tried to pull Kirk into this sea of lava, Kirk had enough and kicked Kruge away, who fell to his death. In fact, he was an important historical figure whose absence would profoundly affect the timeline. A year and a half later, in late 2270, while studying Sarpeidon's historical records, Spock found evidence in the form of a 5,000-year-old cave painting that indicated that Zarabeth had bore his child in the icy wastes. In 2387, Spock had befriended a Romulan named Nero. Spock first met his future wife, Saavik, in 2274, when he rescued the young Vulcan/Romulan hybrid from a barbaric existence on the Romulan border world of Hellguard. Realizing this, Spock went to engineering, and was about to enter the dilithium crystal chamber when stopped by McCoy. (TOS movie: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier), During a 2287 landing party excursion to Dinar IV in search of the missing Federation freighter Arcade, Spock became involved in a firefight against Haigy raiders who had grounded the vessel. (TOS episode: "The Menagerie, Part I"), Early in his service aboard the Enterprise, Lieutenant Spock joined Captain Pike and Lieutenant Tyler on a shuttle mission to planet Filos 4. In late 2272 Spock was preparing to achieve the final stage of kolinahr by severing all ties to friends and family. Spock was one of the few officers to remain on the Enterprise after Pike left, and Pike felt better about turning the Enterprise over to Captain James Kirk as Spock would be remaining on board, serving as both Kirk's first officer and science officer. Nero was waiting for Spock when he arrived, and he and the Jellyfish were captured. (TNG - The Brave and the Bold, Book Two novella: The Final Artifact), The Borg also attempted to assimilate Ambassador Spock in order to stop peace treaty negotiations between the Klingons and Romulans, however the timely intervention of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the USS Enterprise-E prevented their success. After a reunion with David Rabin and a final confrontation with Sered on the planet Obsidian, Spock began to wonder if Starfleet was still the place for him. Sarek almost died when Spock's presence was required for a massive "T" negative blood transfusion, but Spock refused to relinquish his duties to the Enterprise. We also do not share your papers or resell the products you order from us. Taking it upon himself to mount a rescue was a recent arrival to the 24th century, Montgomery Scott. Kruge then beamed down and confronted Kirk on the surface of Genesis. As a result; instead of burning up in the atmosphere, or crashing into the planet Spock's torpedo soft-landed on the surface. After the Surak encountered a derelict ship with only a sole surviving Andorian passenger, Spock's crew began to come down with a mysterious malady that struck down the entire ship's complement. However. The Cortez and the colony were ultimately destroyed when they used an ancient psionic weapon. (TOS novel: Troublesome Minds). fast and easily, Purchase term paper term paper assistance, Computer Science and Engineering Assignment writing. (PIC episode: "The End is the Beginning"; DSC episode: "Unification III"). Fortunately for Spock, Admiral Kirk and the Enterprise were in search of the same entity, and Spock joined the Enterprise in their search for the lifeform that became known as "V'Ger". Spock met Dr. McCoy at the entrance of Kirk's quarters where Spock forced the door, and found the dying Kirk. There, he spooked Burnham with a drawing of a dragon-like monster. Starfleet dispatched the USS Enterprise-D along with Admiral Leonard McCoy in an effort to retrieve the ambassador. comics: "Death Ship! One of the first successful missions in 2265 was making first contact with the Archernarians of Archernar IV. Berlis had a very powerful form of telepathy that attracted Spock and eventually led to Spock interlocking his mind with Berlis, but the connection would be broken soon after. Upon arrival in the mirror-universe and catching up with Kirk, the two Spocks assisted Kirk in his plans to assist the underground resistance fighting the Terran Empire led by the mirror-David Marcus. Zar had unusually strong telepathic talent, even surpassing the skills of his father. We offer you a free plagiarism report with every project delivered to you thus ensuring the writing is authentic and original. To this end, he ended up wearing multiple uniforms over the years, as the different colored uniforms showed the different specialties.

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