I was expecting bigger ones such as engine failure, electrical and electronics problems. Just a few decades ago older Mercedes … Updated January 2019. But if these aren’t common in a recent year Jag, it’s not a reason to shun it. The Ferrari looked strong in Barcelona and Bahrain but it's Mercedes who sit pretty with three one-two finishes. At used car dealers you may find a really nice and clean one owner Mercedes-Benz that was traded-in, but also may find a used Mercedes-Benz that was flipped between dealers at the car auctions because of hidden problems. If you’re a diehard BMW or Audi fan, you might think Mercedes “stinks” due to various yet purely subjective reasons. Video Creator. As bad as the 5.7-liter Olds diesel V-8 was, the 4.3-liter version was worse. May … by Matt Gretton. I would caution against a used one. Rust, bad electrical, etc. He/she is just a component to be managed in the process. In summary it wasn't a bad car but not the best Mercedes I've ever had. According to U.S. News, the 2008 Mercedes-Benz E-class is an excellent investment.It’s a four-door that has room for five, and falls in the sport-luxury class. Ask for history and service … Video. Create New Account. It offers superior handling. But how large is the difference between Mercedes and competing vehicles, really? Besides, if the weather's really that bad, I stay home and play with my son. I do prefer Mercedes but am I being a sucker buying an A class instead of something Japanese that will maybe be more reliable. The thing you will notice with many cars considered to be luxury imports is that there are not that many older ones on the road. I got to see an entirely different side to the repair business, both good and bad. Fashion Model. My new car! Helga Lovekaty. Not Now. In the quest to find a new car, there are a lot of questions that need to be asked. Log In. 4x4s from Ford, Chev, GM and Jeeps were mostly trucks, couple of Jeeps, 3 Suzuki Samurai. … My thought process is that I won't worry … And that’s even worse if you’re really big. Create New Account. 21-04-2019 12:23 . It is the first volume in a trilogy, followed in 2015 by Finders Keepers, the first draft of which was finished around the time Mr. Mercedes was published, and End of Watch in 2016. Five-year maintenance costs for a 2020 model aren’t so bad, but if you bought a 2015 model today, you’d put in a pretty penny for maintenance. Is the Mercedes really good or is the Ferrari just bad? If you buy a car at a used car dealer ask how they acquired that car. Are they really best avoided , or are the failures we hear about few & far between. The A-Class Sedan is a little more angular when viewed from the side, and its rear end doesn’t really remind us of any other Mercedes-Benz product. Like most Mercedes it was fairly easy to work on: brakes etc. Re: Are High Mileage Cars Really That Bad? Related Pages. I own a Mercedes GLC300 2016 and I have maintained my car with regular services as per Mercedes. Drilling down a bit more, I love the E-Class body style of that range. Bolts are all torqued by machines that the assembler lowers on to … It’s a bad idea to stretch the maintenance schedule on oil changes, spark plug replacements, etc. For myself, I spent many years working for a talented mechanic from Germany who spent years at a Mercedes dealership right here in Chicago. or. The engine assembler at AMG is not allowed to do any real “hand crafting”. It has done nearly 80k km mostly in a city traffic condition. I've owned this 2005 Mercedes-Benz S430 4Matic for the past 3 months and have put over 2000km on it. It's true that some diesel engines produce fewer toxic emissions than some petrol engines, but by and large petrol remains the cleaner option. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 9 of 9 Posts. Some 2 seat sports rigs, Saab Sonnet (totaled), Triumph GT6+, Karman Ghia, and Toyota Celica All Trac (143mph ticket) till it burned to ground. Saving some money by filling the tank with 87 instead of 93 is also ill-advised. The answer probably depends on if it is a new or used Mercedes. It was published on June 3, 2014. What does that mean? This driver was having some kind of emergency, which we hope was not grocery shopping, and did not have time to find a between-the-lines spot. You hear a lot of talk about Chinese tires being inferior to tires made in the United States. Original review: Feb. 3, 2021. Comedian. If there's one negative thing to say against the MB (and the BMW, for that matter), is that the electrical system (power locks and power windows) is not as good as on the Japanese makes. I suspect that the difference, on average, is less than many people think. It means it’s one of the entry level vehicles. One thing I quickly learned was how much of a price difference there is between a dealer and your local … E-Class W210 with over 200k miles 2004 Mercedes … Yes, the Mercedes idler tensioner pulley uses a 1963 to mid 80s GM alternator bearing, the exact same one I put in my GM cars from the 60s and 70s and 80s. My situation is this. The site includes MB Forums, News, Galleries, … List of Really BAD IDEAS 臘‍♂️藍 ... See more of Mercedes Terrell on Facebook. Ingenium engine. Common Mercedes-Benz Repair Costs There's not much distance between CR's dots--about 0.03 problems per car for a 2006 model--and forums like this one make problems seem much more … The steering is highly responsive and the car accelerates quickly. 1990 300CE-24 (Gone but not forgotten) or. If you want to really be on top of things, ... Understanding this distinction is the reason why almost exactly one year ago I purchased a used Mercedes-Benz S500 and drove it daily. The original OP was pointing out that the advertised max was 250, so he reasonably expected to see 200, but he’s getting nothing like that. C. CLKskr ... BenzWorld.org forum is one of the largest Mercedes-Benz owner websites offering the most comprehensive collection of Mercedes-Benz information anywhere in the world. Today, a $20,000 Mazda3 also has an infotainment system. just with ice you’re better off checking the interweb for real world figures from actual users. And we’re saving … by lagerwhenindoubt(m): 10:27am On Mar 13, 2012 I am often suspicious of posts like this because tt is often used to sell used-cars that even the manufacturers have specifically stated concerns on parts and operational functionality beyond a certain mileage (age). Mercedes reputation of longevity of its engines have nearly all been achieved by engines that were built on an assembly line. All I've read on this manufacturing range seems terrible. Sold only in the ’79 Cutlass, the 4.3 diesel made 90 hp before shattering into shrapnel. However these seem to fall into "the bad year" range: late 90's to 2005. This top-of-the-line Mercedes costs around $225,000 new, but can be purchased for around $65,000 less just a year later. So you can't really blame that failure on anything but time. Rosanna Arkle. As I drive around 50k miles a year, and tend to trash cars, i'm reluctant to spend £20k on a 2003 s320 diesel with 80k miles; and am seeking feedback on spending around £10k on the same car with 160k miles. It also typically means that it’s someone’s first Mercedes. E-Class is another Mercedes-Benz model that doesn’t mind the high mileage. So his Mercedes SUV just put it up riding the narrow sidewalk and getting the pedestrians a bit confused. The reality is not as black and white as you might think. Since 1970 over 20 different have been good, bad and oh crap baked Esmeralda (86 XJ). If you notice, they’re almost as common as a BMW 3 Series. Log In. Mercedes-Benz The rest of the industry, not only BMW competitors, quickly developed similar systems of their own. I really want an S Class Mercedes. On forums we tend to only hear about the odd problem cars & not the 1000s of reliable cars. Forgot account? Mr. Mercedes is a novel by American writer Stephen King.He calls it his first hard-boiled detective book. Nah.. that’s not really an issue. My macro question : are the 96' - 2005-ish Mercedes Benz models (US) really that bad? The only issues you will see with these cars is a bad brake light switch (easy and cheap to fix yourself), ball joints, engine mounts and maybe an automatic transmission valve body repairs. Mercedes Benz Sprinter fatal flaw is directly related to the components involved with their exhaust system. Really bad experience and customer service so far by Mercedes-Benz India . By the way, I drive an 2017 Jag XE daily. It’s a bad idea to go to the local Walmart and save a buck by getting the discount oil for your BMW. Kinsey Sue. See more of Mercedes Terrell on Facebook. The Mercedes-Benz B-Class Electric Drive Isn't Bad, and That's Really Good By Stirling Matheson Stirling Matheson is an automotive writer, reviewer, and spewer of sarcasm of Indianapolis, IN. Here … Are Uro parts really that bad?

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are mercedes really that bad


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