The Chi-Lites 1973 Promotional Photo. The photo is also used on the back album cover of "A Letter To Myself". Constance died[11] from her injuries and Reed had to have a metal plate inserted in his back. Is It Do To Him Speaking Out About Black Legacy Exploitation And Corruption Involving Trust Funds And The Legendary Chi Lites Royalties Theft Of His Family Revenues Exploitation Of Nlack Legendary Icons And Entertainers That Died From Abuse And White Companies Racist Corruption Toward Many Black Icons That Other Wise Would Have Had Billions of Black Revenue Dollars Used Inside The Black Community And Inner, Minority Communities If It Been Used In The Black Community Much Revenues From Their Afro American Legacies In which Would Have Been Reinvested With In Black Community Development, Is This Why Darren Has Been Chosen Are Selected To Be Harassed And Even Gang Stocked By Corrupted Family And Racist Music Company Like Brunswick Who Was Known For Their Exploitation Of Jackie Wilson And Many of Its Black Artist. legendary black entertainers and their families during what some say was a civil rights area of black and American culture. Directed by Andrew Davis. Clarence Johnson left he group later that year, and their name was subsequently shortened to the Chi-Lites. 0. Angela's possible brother believes she is fraudulently collecting royalties and says, this is an "attempt to steal" his father's legacy. Like Michael Jackson my own family and others in music have hidden the truth concerning the abuse and death of my father Creadel Jones in which died homeless do to corruption that his family and music record label hide involving trust funds and my fathers revenues from the Chi Lites revenues that were never paid but stolen from he and I including millions of dollars located in Bank of America in trust accounts for I and the adult children like me in which the Chi Lites record company and my aunt and other family member of my father stole and keep hinden. STORY xzk ch? watch? MLbRxzk The Bank Of America felid to contact the children of Creadel Jones the legendary co founder of the Chi Lites and bear tone singer. I writting in order to focus concern on the issues exploitation of black music and legacy exploitation and the of black music. Loved all of her films. Legendary black entertainers and their families during what some say was a civil rights area of black and American culture. Encuentra fotos de stock perfectas e imgenes editoriales de noticias sobre James Earl Jones Wife en Getty Images. Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed ), memorial page for Creadel Red Jones (25 Sep 194025 Aug 1994), Find a Grave Memorial no. Along with Marshall Thompson in which has been reported to have been a constructor of the theft of Creadel Jones children Trust Funds from the Chi Lites, after a Oprah Winfrey question concerning interviews of the son of Creadel Jones from the Chi Lites who appeared in Paternity Court TV After being exploited on the show for revealing to Exploitation of he and his trust Fund and his father Creadel Jones and mother Deborah Jones wife of the late Creadel Jones. This record label is no stranger to have abuse are been reported of exploitation black legendary entertainers like The Chi Lites and Jackie Wilson as shown in the book here, Bank Of America has been suspected of helping hide hundreds of millions of dollars from legendary entertainers and their families in which were left hundreds of millions of dollars from their legendary entertainers family members legacies. BLACKPINK, Liam Payne & 16, April 17, 1982 / Season 11 Episode No. Compra la msica de Creadel Jones en vinilo, CD u otros formatos en el mercado online de Discogs. The Chi Lites was stated to have sold nearly a hundred million records and Creadel Jones was stated to never received and revenues. With Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Sela Ward, Julianne Moore.

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