Product information Installation costs ranges from $1,000 to $3,000. From simplified management to health and environment protection, our non-toxic, sustainable pool system aligns with your lifestyle. No. With Clear Comfort, you can offer your customers low maintenance, eco-friendly, low chlorine pool treatment systems that will help you grow your business. 1.8K likes. E482558. Clear Comfort’s advanced oxidation process creates disinfectant molecules hydroxyls that eliminate organic materials, bacteria, viruses, and protozoan cysts, including chlorine-resistant Cryptosporidium. Getting pool water in your eyes hurts when there is chlorine in the pool; with Clear … $30,000.00. This would be an initial investment in salt of about $50 to $125, bringing the initial cost of the saltwater system to about $750 to $2,425. 2. Picking the right pool system for your home can be challenging – that’s why it’s important to evaluate the pros and cons before you make a final selection. Best of all, they provide concierge service to advise setting your water where it should be. The start-up cost usually covers the visitation of the technician to the site and for the first stabilization of the pool. Clear Comfort, Boulder, Colorado. Clear Comfort’s AOP systems use the power of hydroxyl radicals to make residential pool and spas safe and enjoyable for today’s health-conscious homeowners. Certified to NSF/ANSI 50 • UL E482558 EPA Est. The Disadvantages of Pool Ionization. Clear Comfort's chlorine free and low chlorine pool & spa treatment system provides complete pool water sanitation. Ocean First, a dive shop and swim school, reduced chemical consumption by 50 percent, eliminated $500/year for UV bulb replacement costs, reduced a $200/month electricity cost to $15/month and lowered water waste by 50 percent. Below, we answer common questions about salt water pool systems and why Clear Comfort's chlorine alternative hydroxyl-based advanced oxidation technology is superior. Leave the toxic chemicals behind. You can find Clear Comfort in homes, universities, hotels, waterparks, spas, YMCAs, recreation centers, hotels & more nationwide. For three years we've enjoyed crystal clear, clean water in our pool with no chlorine or fluoride! Enjoy Today's Best AOP with Clear Comfort’s CCW50 system for residential hot tubs, spas, and small pools. Clear Comfort’s advanced oxidation process creates disinfectant molecules hydroxyls that eliminate organic materials, bacteria, viruses, and protozoan cysts, including chlorine-resistant Cryptosporidium. Clear Comfort is less toxic to the environment as well, as chlorine is toxic to fish and aquatic species. Clear Comfort is an excellent investment for a carefree, sparkling pool! Has helped my agency save on chemical usage for my hot tub and is easy to use and get set up. Learn how it works with our Technology Fact Sheet. I smiled and shook my head. Much better than a salt or chlorine based pool... We had a salt pool before we installed Clear Comfort 4 years ago. Highly recommend for anyone looking for additional ways of sanitizing their pool or spa. CCW100 Pool System Patented Hydroxyl-Based Advanced Oxidation (AOP) Clear Comfort’s non-chlorine AOP pool treatment delivers the best, easiest & most sustainable swimming experience. Inspired by nature, Clear Comfort’s AOP creates more hydroxyl radicals than any other method. Kits to build an above pool can be found in any major hardware stores like Walmart and such. Both Baquacil and Clear Comfort are biguinide based sanitation systems. {"cart_token":"","hash":"","cart_data":""}, Clear Comfort CCW Manifold Installation Kit, Takes Less Than 12" Of A Single Section Of Pipe, Supplemental commercial pool & spa sanitation, Optional Installation Kit and/or Manifold available, Certifications: ANSI/NSF 50 | UL 1563 | EPA Section 7 FIFRA Act, Top 25 Most Valuable Product – Aquatics International, Simple preassembled Manifold that fits into 11 inches of cut pipe. Jul 11, 2018 - Explore Clear Comfort's board "Clear Comfort Water" on Pinterest. We chose Clear Comfort BEFORE we bought a house with a swimming pool. Learn more about how our patented hydroxyl-based AOP works. We've been very pleased with this system for our pool. Discover c leaner, clearer and healthier water with Clear Comfort's Hydroxyl-based Advanced Oxidation Sanitation Systems. Clear Comfort’s hydroxyl based systems kills cryptosporidium, which is a chlorine-resistant pathogen that is dangerous and causes pools to shut down every year. Clear Comfort provides residential & commercial chlorine-free & low-chlorine pool & spa systems. Each is discussed below with pros and cons. Clear Comfort’s chlorine-alternative AOP water treatment systems rejuvenate your swimming pool or spa ownership experience. So that your system won't be maxed on a normal basis, choose a system 1.5x to 2x the size of your pool or more. Save time & money on effective AOP sanitation that’s simple to install & easy to maintain. It allows us to operate with a Chlorine level of .05 - 1 ppm and this is fantastic. Maintenance is minimal and the water quality is excellent. You can find Clear Comfort in homes, universities, hotels, waterparks, spas, YMCAs, recreation centers, hotels & more nationwide. Knowing that Clear Comfort would be the healthy alternative to standard brominated sanitizers sealed the deal for us. Clear Comfort pool systems can now use the customized Manifolds to directly inject hydroxyl radicals into the pool plumbing and maintain the best, clean and clear water quality. All of us are retired and looking for ease of maintenance as well as lowering chlorine levels. "Some of them are thinking, 'So I've got this upfront cost for the ozone system, and I still have to put in a little bit of chlorine?'" Highly recommend! Our Advanced Oxidation (AOP) pool treatment produces powerful hydroxyl radicals that destroy contaminants on contact. Ultimately, the right pool system for you is likely to be a very personal choice. The Clear Comfort system runs on it's own. If you’re deciding between salt water pools and Clear Comfort pools, here’s everything you need to know about how their maintenance, health considerations and water feeling compare […] We will lower TDS, Calcium Hardness, and cyanuric acid CYA in less than a day in most cases. Thank you for downloading Clear Comfort's Residential Pool System Comparison Guide. Reduce up to 50% of chemical costs. This patented Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) technology creates powerful hydroxyl radicals that destroy the toughest contaminants and recreational water illnesses, like Cryptosporidium, on contact. Open: Monday-Friday 9am-6pm Below, we answer common questions about UV pool treatment, and why Clear Comfort's chlorine alternative LifeGuard Technology is superior. CCW50 AOP Spa & Small Pool Treatment System Certified to NSF/ANSI 50 • UL E482558 • EPA Est. UL Certified Water Treatment Equipment for the U.S. & Canada, Our Products Are Proudly Made in the United States of America, Awarded the 25 Most Valueable Product (MVP) by Aquatics International. Clear Comfort has provided healthy, cost-effective benefits to facilities like the University of Arizona, luxury athletic clubs, swim schools, professional sports teams, water parks, recreation centers and hotels throughout the United States. not only did we love the product, we retrofitted our spa as well. This (really) is like a get out of jail free card. Know your options Residential pool treatment system comparison Better Than UV Pool Systems. The Clear Comfort system has improved management of public pools, while reducing costs and energy consumption. Our pool has never looked better or been easier to maintain. Above salt water pool is a tub or a box of pool above the ground, hence, the name. Clear Comfort provides residential & commercial chlorine-free & low-chlorine pool & spa systems. Clear Comfort’s patented Hydroxyl-Based Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) system uses a simple 3 step process: With fast-acting hydroxyl radicals (OH-), Clear Comfort’s AOP pool and spa sanitation instantly destroys the toughest contaminants without any harmful chemicals or additives, & leaves behind no unhealthy by-products. Installed Clear Comfort, it's been perfect. $15,000.00. Clear Comfort Pool Reviews. Clear Comfort Advanced Oxidation System for Pools and Spas | CCW100 (up to 40k Gallons/90gpm) $ 2,995.00. The start up costs for a chlorine pool aren’t much; it’s the ongoing purchase of the chlorine, shock, and test kits that’s going to get you. It has enabled me to minimize chlorine usage; water has remained crystal clear, and has a ‘softer’ feel to it. Clear Comfort provides residential & commercial chlorine-free & low-chlorine pool & spa systems. Had a great experience with Clear Comfort. The cost is around $25 to $75 or more depending on the current condition of the pool. Get help from our dedicated live customer support team. He and Clear Comfort agreed on a 90-day trial period in one of his older, smaller pools, where chloramines clogged the air and the water quality was merely "normal," according to Williams. The problems you describe are commen with biguinde as is the money you are throwing away trying to fix them. I am thrilled to finally own a pool and I have been super pleased that we decided to go with the Clear Comfort system. The hydroxyls produced by the system are potent and fast acting. This proven supplemental sanitation system uses a patented Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) to deliver the healthiest and easiest to maintain water. Check out the products and handpicked which is right for you. The cost calculation comes down to the goals of the customer and the size of the pool. Clear Comfort's technology offers effective sanitation eliminating contaminants on contact and residually.

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