the friend no one likes. Is it the depression making me feel thisor is it that the depression makes nobody want me around? Yes I just read it! Spending time with anyoneeven family, has become very difficult. So if I can find evidence that at least one person doesnt like me, well you get the picture. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, "WHAT??! How about you? Like all normal people, I cant stand Dane Cook, but hes said approximately one thing I think is absolutely true. Worthless. Like all normal people, I cant stand Dane Cook, but hes said approximately one thing I think is absolutely true. He got me to see a bigger vision for HR, before I had spent 10 minutes in the HR department. Of course they like me! I mean the best. or something like that. Ive felt this way for a long time but here recently its been getting worse. I feel like no one cares about me. I spend days wondering what it is about me that people dislike so much. You can fill up your time with so much stuff you dont need another person. I just pretend it's some form of BDSM and then it becomes kind of fun. (That isn't related to depression). If You're Sitting With the Employees Nobody Likes I feel the same way , I think it's because of the low self-esteem. Personally, I think that anxiety distorts reality. I know they don't not like me, but I feel that ALL the time. So, frankly, I don't think it has anything to do with you. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But I hope you at least can find some solace in the fact that there are people going through similar situations and those of us who wish to make that misery go away. It takes a great deal of patience and understanding to be able to maintain a strong friendship with someone who is badly depressed. Is it the depression making me feel thisor is it that the depression makes nobody want me around? the depressed outlook is probably blowing my negative experience out of proportion. Press J to jump to the feed. 1. Every single day is a repeat of the last because there is nowhere for me to go, nothing for me to do. You have to learn to not let your negative feelings show on an everyday basis. i'm sure people have thought about saying something like that to me, but have never actually done it. Now my personal method or opinion might not work for you, but I really do think that I carry around some unrealistic perceptions about socialization, and sometimes I have to push myself a little bit to be OK with being around others. You may have lost your longtime partner, be at odds with a family member, feel stepped on at the office, or even all of the Close. In other words, I felt like the girl that nobody wanted. The worst part is I cant even express that thought because the moment I mention how alone I feel, there are people who argue with me. I'm depressed so I'm paying more attention to every fault, flaw, and mistake I make when in reality people either don't notice or don't care. And you're left feeling like there's something seriously wrong with you. Moods are contagious. That did make me feel a bit better and gave ideas on where to begin. If people are hanging out together, and one of them is down, it tends to bring down the mood in everyone else. My (30f) husband (37m) has a habit of excluding me in conversation. If you feel like no one likes you, the truth is that most probably, you just havent found the right people yet. FUCK YOU.". I'm immature at 24 and feel ashamed of that often. You may feel like nobody cares about you, but remember youre worth caring about no matter how bad you feel right now or what anyone says! If your attempts at connection feel awkward, then maybe they are because you haven't had enough practice. My approach to that is to not even care if nobody likes me and take only from what they say which benefits me. So what do you do? Nobody likes me Like, nobody!!! Acting natural and normal is just a skill that you have to learn. Its not that introverts are un-liked, they often just do not have the traits that majority of people find desirable, especially in a high paced society. I feel like I have a contractable disease. When its happening, I almost cant control it, and it feels logical, but afterwards, I am horrified and ashamed. Emily B. Not a lot of people are capable of that, and those who are, deserve a medal. NBC It's perfectly normal for you and your friend to have interests outside of your relationship. Please DO NOT worry that no one likes you. From the start of school to now(22 years old), I feel like nobody likes me. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. If you cant figure out who the Karen is in your friend circle, that means you are the Karen. If you cant figure out who the Karen is in your friend circle, that means you Nobody loves us perfectly. It makes me feel so crappy about myself. Most part of them didn't answer, only 3 said they would come because I asked them directly. I hope this helps. If my friends have a neutral expression, I feel like theyre mad at me. Now I can look in the mirror and not detest what I see. Why does it seem like nobody cares about me? I'm sensing that you feel some social anxiety. Question: Im 31 and have had the same problem my whole life it never gets any easier. It has to do with the content of her character. You get desensitized by talking to lots and lots of people.That's hard to do, but it's something you have to eventually be tough about. I would say, stop thinking that nobody likes you. In every group of friends, theres the Karen of the group, aka. I make a list of interesting bike trails in the area and I do that as well on the weekends. The harsh reality of who I am and just how bad and worthless I am. In every group of friends, theres the Karen of the group, aka. But the point I'm trying to make is to let go of what other people think of you. Insignificant. This feeling stops me from talking to or spending time with new people, current friends, and even my family. When I'm depressed, I am a difficult person to have fun with because my mood is always low, and it just can't be brought up at all. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. After that day I've been hiding my feelings when I feel like no one likes me. But dipping your toe in the water from time to time is an act of courage that hopefully isn't too traumatizing if things don't work out as you expect. In high school, I once had a girl text me saying "You can come bowling with us, but if all you're going to do is think everyone hates you and cry in the corner, then don't come." That's how I'm feeling too. Im sorry you feel the same way. A few things to keep in mind are that, for one, you are far from alone in this (probably almost half of the people you know feel chronically awkward), two, you're going to get practice whether you try to or not (human exposure is going to happen in your life even if you avoid it), and most importantly, people ARE NOT judging you as harshly as you perceive. I had a group of friends who were considered the outcasts of school and even they always used me 9. Try to think of the things they do to you that's good that show they do like you. THE TRUTH HURTS, FAGGOT. I think that number 2 seems to be my greatest issue. so I'm seeking increased connection, importance and acceptance. Ive felt this way for a long time but here recently its been getting worse. When we're depressed every failure hits us harder. This was because of stress, feelings of loneliness, tiredness, and anxiety. You might be able to help your listener feel valued if you simply. And I totally understand how embarrassing it can be to practice being social when you feel awkward about it. I will delete people who dont talk to me off of Facebook or other social media, only I isolate myself, get on reddit, play video games, build Legos, read books and play with my dogs. I truly feel like no one likes me or enjoys my company. You can turn loneliness into solitude. However (at least in my experience) it feels like the ultimate truth. The only thing that matters is what you think of you. In other words, I felt like the girl that nobody We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Nowadays the sneers and jeers of others bounce off of me like Nerf material. I think you kind of just have to ignore it, because it's the depression speaking. I sometimes feel just like you, that nobody likes me and that I'm impossibly weird and (I honestly have thought this) my family will have to hire pall bearers at my funeral. I make a list of top restaurants in the area and I go out weekends and try them even though Im eating alone. Thats what they are inside. I know what you feel at the onset of my depression I often thought that i must have something invisible on me like an odor or something else that makes everyone hate me for no reason mainly because i got mobbed in school. Nobody loves us perfectly. that's rough. It's a problem that you can't solve by isolating yourself. the friend no one likes. HOW DARE YOU TELL ME TO SHUT UP, YE WORTHLESS UNPERSON?? I try to reach out to people, but it's mostly just awkward attempts to make some sort of communication.and they usually respond with 'I don't really want company' or 'don't touch me.' In high school, I once had a girl text me saying "You can come bowling with us, but if all you're going to do is think everyone hates you and cry in the corner, then don't come." To show yourself some self-love, remind yourself that its okay to be imperfect. which other people will not share, understand or be able to fulfil. That prior to depression my self-image was just an illusion, a mistake that I allowed myself to indulge in. Feeling alone. Verbatim quote of what my inner voice just said. Honestly, it's probably both. Nobody likes me is an example of black and white thinking. I'm rambling, I know. Stayed away from posting pictures on social media. Even the deepest and most sincere loves, like a mothers love, are imperfect and incomplete. There used to be a time when the tiniest insult could have made my whole week. Very few people aren't. So the trick is to start thinking more positive about yourself and others - which is far easier said than done. I couldnt agree more. In principle,all human beings may feel this way. ", "We all hate you, but if you act like we do, we'll hate you more.". Invisible. Annoying. Welcome aboard! 13 Signs You Are The Friend No One Wants To Be Around. I feel like when I'm out of my home I'm a different person. No one wants to hang out with me. I began to feel like that toy you quit playing with when you feel like you're "too old" for toys anymore. Normal things like asking me to weigh in, making room for me in It isnt just that, as an introvert, my phone helps satisfy my craving for attention without the exhaustion of groups of people or the general public. What used to take me less than an hour started to take four days to compose. I usually just sleep as often as possible, and sometimes the feeling goes away after a while. This feeling stops me from talking to or spending time with new people, current friends, and even my family. Like, "this person wouldn't do this if they didn't like me. Its beginning to take a toll on me mentally. I am now questioning everything I do and say and often feel like nobody likes me. I decided to have a dinner at my house with some friends and invented them. How do I begin to overcome this, is it all in my head, or am I actually just awful to be around? Honestly and I know this probably doesn't help but its probably the vibe you are projecting putting people off. I'm depressed but needing company. Christine Flowers: It has nothing to do with her skin color. When you get home after spending an evening with friends, do find yourself feeling depressed, hating yourself, and just wishing that someone would like you half as much as they all like so-and-so? If you feel out of the loop, it's because you're either new or you're disliked by someone. In principle,all human beings may feel this way. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the socialskills community. Peer support for anyone struggling with a depressive disorder. Unsure if that person is you? Yep I was the expendable friend in high school and no one liked me at all in college(they gave me a nickname I didnt like in my freshman dorm that stuck with me so I switched schools)Im not going to lie I didnt take this lightly and had pretty crushing depression from this and other issues but now that Ive recovered Ive learned to only care about a few things and what youre describing isnt one of them. Paranoia About Relationships Paranoia and overthinking. This was because of stress, feelings of loneliness, tiredness, and anxiety. There's no need to feel threatened by your friend's need to do things without you. or something like that. Most people are liked by some people and disliked by others. There is one person I talk to that I think is closer to my age (late 20s) but he is a dude, and it feels strange to ask a dude to hangout or go But the thing that you have to realise is, is that your thoughts are not a reflection of reality. It's people who don't understand you well or don't make the effort to know about you and understand YOU. Worthless. OH, YOU'RE TRYING TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM MY POINTING OUT OF HOW BAD YOU ACTUALLY ARE? 9. Naturally, what works for me may not work for you. The depression is the real illusion the real lie it only focuses on the negatives and exaggerates them. I know they don't not like me, but I feel my mind is trying to validate how negative I feel about myself. Black and white thinking is rarely true. Christine Flowers: It has nothing to do with her skin color. I'm louder, more confident, talk more, put myself out there, and that's a good thing, because who I was before I switched to that person, nobody likes, trust me on that. There's only one solution to social anxiety, and that's exposure to the social world. During a long period of especially bad depression a few years back, I lost nearly all of my friends in the process. :). If they give me a certain look, I feel that they hate me. A place to share your favorite social skills tips, ask for advice, or offer encouragement to others on their social skills journey. If You're Sitting With the Employees Nobody Likes Non Existent. Question: Im 31 and have had the same problem my whole life it never gets any easier. I began to feel like that toy you quit playing with when you feel like you're "too old" for toys anymore. But that's my depressed state of mind talking. Think of how fucking hard it has to be to think of something to say to someone when all you're thinking about is how much you hate yourself. Hey stranger :) maybe this video can help. No one is going to love you or make you feel the way you want, and no one is going to understand your happiness and sadness. When you hold a negative image of yourself, every mistake or setback can feel like proof that you will fail. Just focus on getting better and stuff like this will come a lot easier. So instead of trying to get social acceptance, put effort into these two things: Reducing your need for being liked; Making like-minded friends; I like people who dont need everyone to like I have social anxiety and tend to compare myself to everyone I meet in a negative way-which keeps me from reaching out to anyone new after I meet them. No friends and nobody likes me. Non Existent. Listen, it is not your fault and, really, it is not your problem. Open mobile menu That's true of everyone but the most narcissistic people. Annoying. I feel like I'm not good enough for anyone. Feeling alone. Even in this stage of my life I was bullied by a few girls in my class, four girls ripped me to shreds for my perceived flaws and this definitely brought me down a lot. Depression is one big lie of how we see ourselves. And once you establish your knowledge and interest in certain things then you can start to include people in them. First let me just say that I know how that feels and how much it sucks. People do care if you feel alright about yourself, but if you're just depressed all the time, they're going to think you're a bummer to be around. First off, I want you to know I really get that shit sucks right now. When you feel like no one likes you, the important thing is to leave people opportunities to like you. They generally seem to like me, in a motherly way it seems.. but I often leave work feeling like I don't have a strong connection with anyone. If a person or a group of people make you feel like crap, it is an obvious sign that you need to move on to a better group of friends. The feeling that nobody really loves you may come from different places. If someone is giving hatred. We feel like shit, feel we're hopeless, unlikeable and worthless, so our depressed minds seek to validate this any chance it gets. Not when they want me to be. I very definitely get that it's not easy to always have confidence, but I find a lot of people say it helps how you relate to people. people have their own issues, problems and pain. Only speculation here, but maybe you're especially anxious about what people think of you and that you need to make them like you or they will ruin you? But, although this isn't a very gratifying thing to hear, you're supposed to be immature at a young age. In my case, when I'm terribly depressed, I assume that no one enjoys my company. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. If you feel out of the loop, it's because you're either new or you're disliked by someone. Thus, I feel like no one loves me when I have nobody to talk to about this deep ooshy gooshy stuff. That my depression allows me to see my 'true self' like never before. It's 100000% the depression. Then youll have a better understanding of how you feel loved and what makes you feel wanted.
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