Regnum surrenders and many roads and paths are destroyed. The new Triumvirate of Lumaire raids and conquers their neutral neighbors to the north. Valle Deep declares independence from Sterling Crownlands, the peninsula just northwest of Lemebah city. Plagatea declares war on them for this, but the issue is solved diplomatically with Ryzan and Vandalahs support. Still the fighting went on. The US has no plan ever to leave any and all nations its troops occupy because the factions who control the US President profit from the destruction in some way, not only financially. Entropa dissolves and is absorbed into Huitca. The server deities accidentally summon the newly generated realm of Cokkenbauller, all while Enfys and Stoney are doing maintenance on it. The defenders included Uldarash and Viodoxa. An Uldarashi-Viodoxan investigation takes place concerning the Battle of Fornost and its origins. There is resistance to this, though. WaferKnight threatens war with Rextopia for the Raiding of Redpanda Island. HesVinnie & HesWinnie leave Rathnir for good following almost two months since the last reported raid on December 27th. Axyr steps down as leader of Cruma, Traflagar, and takes full time leadership of Ardat Mosul. Vallian Empire and Lenox become defensive allies, Kostuco disbands and is mostly given to Arxella, with the "red eagle alliance" also claiming its territory, Huitca elects Vickett as their new Cihuacoatl. The server switches to chest shops causing all shops to be empty, some call it the Great Economic Collapse with their being a shortage of Certain Items, Prices increasing and stock lost, The Coalition, Trillium, and allies gear up for the. Athos shrinks his claims of Cockland from all of former Escharia to the middle islands in the Sea of Pearls. Copyright 2021 History Today Ltd. Company no. The king of Valle Deep abdicates, Harvbarr takes over. A new wave of players joins Rathnir, starting the 2nd generation. Even if there were no gains for them, these factions would be unlikely to agree on any plan for removing US and NATO troops. Helian Kingdom, Auron's Peak, colonies and even the capitol city of New Dorasterrock declare independence. The chancellor's hand turn into the Helping Hands. Bardonia officially recognizes Greater Volkyria's protectorate status under Dabos-Koshi as a legitimate semi-autonomous domain within its imperial circle. ! Grand Cathedral Mviel's construction is complete. The Swedes, the Danes, the Poles, the Russians, the Dutch and the Swiss were all dragged in or dived in. The war or series of connected wars began in 1618, when the Austrian Habsburgs tried to impose Roman Catholicism on their Protestant subjects in Bohemia. This is a page for a collective chronicling of the world of Rathnir, all events. The peace conference to end the war opened in Mnster and Osnabrck in December 1644. Savras and Mexica unite to become the Savratian League, a protectorate of Bardonia. A special postal system handled reams of letters between the envoys and their principals at a time when it took ten days or more to send a communication from Mnster to Paris or Vienna and twenty days or more to Stockholm or Madrid. Rhodia is founded on the eastern peninsula of an inactive Reyllea, Reyllea officially dispands, Mistic of TE lays claim to its throne. Max level is 999 so no worries, still cant be legit, he must have gotten into a modded lobby, you can do that by setting your DNS ip, to something specific, and you then get tons if xp, and like 2.000.000 per store robbery, plus the cars cost max 100 . Following this, ___Athos___ declares guerilla warfare on Ryzan for joining Bardonia, Chancellor Uni of Bardonia claims Oogrelon on its eastern border, Norfthorn becomes independent of Aurlunor. Nebskoslavia declares independence from Ryzan. Towny deletes all nations and towns, forcing everyone to found new towns. ", The Pos Valley Explosives Company, Rathnir's first gunpowder factory, opens in, After a ridiculously long life compared to many of his peers, the progenitor of nearly all, WhiskeyKnight's character is assassinated, and RumKnight9K becomes Emperor of Uldarash. Many Countries are angry at the Huitca Federation for blowing up the Moon so they declare war. Napoleon: Two Centuries of Life after Death, The Wrongful Death of Toussaint Louverture. Phantom Battle of Lileanen takes place- Bandit Dagonashibal goes invisible and tries to grief the cathedral but TNT does not work due to TPS. Order of Mviel becomes a semi-independent protectorate of Floramia. Akratia occupies "now unpopulated" territory of Serafini. Raykara enters the Soleannen Empire. The western isle of Tessel sinks into the ocean, and the ocean rises to swallow Lileanen as a consequence. Bandits called the Ferrymen attack New Dorasterrock with many dead, the battle of Bardonian Fort Lee follows with 4 dead Bardonians and 3 dead Ferrymen. Following the seemingly unjust march on Yimmu-Audal The Order of Aurora rises up, taking the Pit Island of Tessel. Kronesia falls apart due to inactivity, the land is claimed by Soumere. Fluitan and Shania unite in marriage to become the Fluito-Shanian Federation, Yimmu-Audal and the Sovereign Duchy of Theionikos are reformed into. Eastern Khan establishes the Argentor Socialist Republic between the Sea of Pearls west of Lileanen and the sea north of Nieden. Scouts are sent out for reconnaissance missions and raiding war forts are set up throughout Huitca territory. Thinker__, the leader of Volkore is banned suddenly. Tortuga Isle claims its right to religious freedom. Andorn is sold to CanadianToss of Ryzan by HimoS401, Unic0rnb0i makes a speech saying that Bardonia will conquer Ryzan and Plagos, shatter Uldarash and Theios-Essukdal (but backed off because everyone loves Taki). Sinatra declares independence from Uldarash. 26 Chapters Every 16.5 Day(s) 1821 Readers 2 Reviews 04-15-2021. 10+ people are killed during a wedding in, Battle of Tlahatl, Inifinick and RedFireRex's duel takes place. We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state. Aurlnor declares war on Boris, marking the first time that Aurlnor has ever been in a proper engagement against an outside power in the server's history. The supposed 3 month long war between Noodolia and Neo-Sheol ends, The Greater Volkyrian Commonwealth, an adjunct dominion of the Sterling Crownlands, lays claim to much of northern Bardonia and Ryzan, Boulderov becomes independent from Viodoxa, Information on the "Spirit Crusade" leaks publicly- an alliance formed against the Escharian spirits that attempts to see Escharia's unsettled territory split between Czervolslavia, Silver Coalition, Azuria, O.S.C., Naho, and Thorn, Ryzan takes over the remnant Takkumakken territory, Kostuco expands to its south into Himalkan territory. Ceruma splits into multiple nations- Ceruma-Ardat, Ceruma-Secunda, Twigs becomes co-emperor of Myrmark and the co-owner of New Bern in The Sterling Crownlands, Town Aroxizaun is founded by Labyrinthosi, The Neo-Naverechniya project fails due to lack of funds and manpower, Foundation of the Church of Ashiri(Slapfish) in, Refugees from Raykara found the Kingdom of Regonia and settle the city of. Montem Solus is renamed to, The Rathnir Royale, a server wide fighting tournament, is held in, The town of Palidus is raided three times - once by the. There is a worldwide thunderstorm for several days causing a sleeping crisis. Ryzan holds a referendum where the nation voted unanimously to become independent of Bardonia. Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. SumoMC sold Baykonia to Bardonia, the Empire fully annexes the region. Gustavus Adolphus was shot in the head and killed at the battle of Lutzen in 1632. ViewedMarquis and Dex_og (O6dity) blow up the Last Bastion upon war being declared on the bandits by the Trillium Alliance and Yimmu Audal. Things such as day trips, mining trips, or incomplete building projects recorded here may be deleted. Around 30 Palorans left, and 3 stayed. The first Rathnir Public Census is held from October 28th-29th. Lego551 and BackToTheHub spawn a wither on, The Goblin bros come back from a 16 day hiatus and sack Pillars of Sun, Bardonia declares war on the Huitca Federation in response to the, Carpicious is crowned the Empress of Yimmu-Audal, Zelorm becomes leader of the Huitca Confederation per constitutional reforms made by Infinick. Due to disagreements Rofluena splits from Fluto-Shania and Peepiceep reestablished, Calamiity and DonkeyVine bandit raid Serenity, TE, 6 months after the server's creation, the sun and clouds turn red. Rapine, pillage and famine stalked the countryside as armies marched about, plundering towns, villages and farms as they went. Protestantism was in the world to stay. Aurlnor declares the entire thing as "non-existence", and states they will resume their relations and views on Bardonia before it's annexation. The Palus Provinces dissolve, leaving the land unclaimed. Fluito-Shania (Uldarash Empire) announces that their floating island "rocket" has been successfully built. The Ducks, with the help of ProfLongbeard's extensive knowledge of brewing, began producing a variety of alcoholic beverages en mass, including wine, mead, vodka, and beer. The Chancellor Unic0rnb0i makes a claim to own all Palaris as dictator of Chance, and Palaris calls him a "fucking idiot". Fluito-Shania is expelled from Uldarash, and becomes Soleannen, The Sneeds become independent as the Cornflower republic under KingZelorm, AlexTheIII declares the "Greater Alnerianist Republic of Jatswanna" somewhere in Es, Falnir declares independence from Uldarash. On 24 October 1648, the Treaty of Westphalia was signed, marking the end of the Thirty Years' War. An honorable execution fails, and leads to the events called, Plagatea claims all of the eastern pillar of land in Plagos, Nr Tlrn joins Palaris as an autonomous city state. The peace conference to end the war opened in Mnster and Osnabrck in December 1644. With their defeat in the Maldunian Conquest War, Maldun becomes democratic. The switch is completed, and many nations become decentralized as nations aren't formable. Valle Deep annexes the southwest of Lemebah Island. Lester Crest Hey, my bad, homie. The horror became a way of life and when the war finally ended, the mercenaries and their womenfolk complained that their livelihood was gone. Erebor/Khuzdurin secedes from Ryzan and migrates for independence, declaring neutrality. Aurlnor and Ryzan unite into the Aurlnor Ryzani Empire, a dual monarchy. Order of Mviel is founded after the Tsar left Krobun. Frostmarch sells some western land to Vandalah in an agreement for 25k dollars. A civil war begins in Kostuco between the western Sakrelist front consisting mainly from returning Coalition War/Trillium War veterans, the north-center newly formed United Federation of Villagers, and the eastern loyalist forces. The province of Marleybone becomes autonomous in UBSR, Dexter og teleports around randomly, finds the, Uldarash and Sironia ally in the Crimson Hold Alliance of Defense (CHAD alliance lol), Several towns like Chroniclers and Hollenkreis that are claimed by Jokarva assert they were not asked, and are taken off the short-lived map of Plagatea's claims. G0NFists are banned from Paloro due to a grief, Il-Kabulli is constructed in the northern Theionikos province of Escharia by AkioYuki/SikkeOst, Egalia votes to become part of Escharia in the near future. The Red Temple (or the temple to the blood god) finishes construction in. The southernmost town of Cthulhu Consciousness declares independence as the new nation of Mimir's Pride. The Blackstone order is founded in Lileanen by d3Bi. mimtipp starts a witch hunt against Coconut. The attackers included: Bardonia, The Hands, and The Escharian Spirits. Nebskoslavia is absorbed by Volkore. The whole server sleeps for the first time. Bandits Capian and SmokytheBeetle attack New Panem, they declare war on Steinau, Aurlnor rids its lands of Froggi_Town in its 3rd Barbarian Rally, destroying its church of Jax, as well as. The Ferrymen attacked New Dorasterrock again after the battle with Ferrymen killing 2 citizens without warning. Its construction was largely in remembrance of Volkyria's colonial period under Sterling rule. A short lived coup by Tomhins and Captan_Juliett in HCE rebels under Argosha, proclaiming the Holy Aetherian Empire- it is swiftly put down by Uldarash, Gdanyc reforms into the United Commonwealth, though as its only current member, The Ryzan-Carthyan Republic changes its name to the Ryzani Republic for inclusivity. The country of Greater Jatswannia was dissolved and replaced as the County of Jatswanna in the country of Theios-Essukdal. Carpicious declares war on Trillium, the war with Escharien is set for January 5, that with Sterling Crownlands the next day, and Bardonia the day after. A new wave of players joins Rathnir, starting the third generation. The Harvest of the Dead event occurs - where people make sacrifices to the spirits, artifacts were dropped, and nether mobs leak into the overworld. The Atlas Accords are drawn up and agreed to by Soumere, Akratia, Viodoxa, and Bardonia, but are not agreed to by Uldarash. lucastheweird1 manufactures Kool-Aid Powder in Baykonia and founded the Baykonian Brewing Company, in response to the recently founded Cartelia. Aurlunor marches on Athrabar with five people- Coffeeccubus, DHVO, Thunderfantv, JoeDM, and sbbaseball21, The independent Republic of Maldun is founded by, The Baykarans abandon Baykara in Raykara, and migrate into Sterling Crownlands territory. Seaside forces sack the Roman capital of Troyova. Hostilites are ceased as the civilians are put on trial in Bardonia. Slow news day. In the wake of this, the provisional Free Republic of Volkyria is formed and bandits, many of whom were led by Lew_White_Mesa, desecrate the City of Volkhaven and various Volkerst outposts. Teleportation suddenly becomes much more difficult and taxing to perform. Underground Haetalian Market begins construction, The Corporate Union of Masons decentralizes leaving, the Underground Haetalian Market finishes construction, Athos, StarSixSeven, Lokki de Nuuk and Darkblade, get the entire server to sleep after the sighting of an enormous and aggressive phantom. The town of Arenxia is founded, and joins the VIR as a territory. This becomes a continuation of, Kawalapuan navigators LostCoastline and JaneTheBane settled two nearby islands, Snoutialition Noxism is founded around a lost pig statue in Baykonia, CanadianToss proclaims the Second Ryzani Tsardom, The city of Auszan and its territories become a vassal state of. The prospect of a Roman Catholic reconquest of Europe vanished forever. The Bardonian city Lobopolis declares war on the Bardonian-controlled city of Neos Knosses for fishing in their waters. Maldun goes to war with Kostuco and Arxella, beginning. Towny Period (2020 September 25th - 30th), Formation Period (2020 October 1st - 31th), Raiding Period (2020 November 1st - December 6th), Factions Period (2020 December 7th - January 9th), Dark Period (2021 January 10th - February 3rd), Fragmented Period (2021 February 3rd - March 5th), Reimagination Period (2021 March 5th - March 31st), aid Aurlnor against Boris in which the opposing side was decimated, The Marriage of Velereth Sareariel Lelya-Earcala of the Aurlnor Velande and Tsar Toss I of Ryzan, Greater Alnerianist Republic of Jatswannia, The middle section of Audal is not yet organized. The Third Way is the final storyline mission and canon ending[1] of Grand Theft Auto V. The mission is triggered if the player has Franklin choose option C (Deathwish). Canem, a settlement built around a Volkyrian fortress, declares its joining with Volkyria. The horror became a way of life and when the war finally ended, the mercenaries and their womenfolk complained that their livelihood was gone. The Pit in Turtlonia is rediscovered to be open by EvilTabbi2, and Gruh worship begins again. The reason, namely being of them settling in Athrabar, and claiming that Athrabar belonged to Boris. Emperor MW_Neoz steps down and declares the dissolution of. The bandits HaveNoFearr and kubocrack attack Vandalah, DHVO tracks them down and notifies them they will be tried by Bardonia, Emerald Island, in the east of Akratia, declares independence from the kingdom due to their being pulled into the war with Leythe, Andorn changes its name to Pog Bar Landia (this is not a meme), Several towns (Greenstem, Instour, Mintibus Umor, Emerald Isle, Red Bay, Synyutoshi) declare rebellion/independence against the, Kostaria changes its name to Kostarion by popular vote, Theios-Essukdal announces Talor and Baronos annexed from Akratia, reportedly upon request of secessionist forces there, The league of independent states, Leythe + those declared independent from Akratia, declare war on Akratia together. The Kingdom of Nieden splits into the northern kingdom of Raykara and the southern part of Egalia. The 1 day presidency of Crezyman ends as The Bardonian Republic elevates Unic0rnb0i as dictator of Bardonia because of an attack on New Dorasterrock by vengeful spirits (plus ViewedMarquis), Bjorynskull, Ryzan is abandoned and deleted. The crabs return and found the town of "Crab". The 5 Jarls of Frostmarch are replaced by HoSt441133, r0duct, and FlamingSwipe. The town of Sokalis/Helemar joins Aurlnor. Nova Balreska, Vologda, and Remtal declare secession from Ryzan with an defense/economic pact between them. Vraelor is founded, shortly thereafter renamed to. Norfthorn is abandoned to its northern neighbor Andorn, lead by HimoS400 aka thunderfantv, who declared war the previous day. The Principality of Kierros, a Bardonian protectorate is established by a Rextopian defect and insider Kasper (Spaceman220) who helped the Bardonians defeat Rextopia. Ryzani fighters attack NeuPotsdam to expel them from their land, Shiny declares itself independent from vassalship under The Khanate of Haven. They relinquished their claim over the island. Shigetada Shogunate and Arinovla unite to form the Nova Plagatea Confederacy, re-establishing the United Nations of Plagos in the process. This happens after a duel between R3d and ___Athos___, Athos winning for Volkore. WhiskeyKnight and RumKnight are burried at Fornost with a massive public funeral. Valencia117 takes over Cruma. I picked C, ain't that a bitch?Franklin Clinton to Devin Weston. Construction on the Library of Lhumar begins. Lumeno declares independence from the Sterling Crownlands, The state of Shiny (successor of Cockland) in the sea of pearls becomes a vassal of the Haven Company and renamed to New Haven, Askonia declares independence from Andorn, across the water from the southwestern tip of Lemebah Island. The Romans attempt to raid Seaside in return. After a breakdown of negotiations, the Sterling Crownlands disowns the Greater Volkyrian Commonwealth. It pitted Protestant against Catholic, the Holy Roman Empire against France, the German princes and princelings against the emperor and each other, and France against the Habsburgs of Spain. The infinite night comes, the days of light are over. Good pick for a level 20 mercenaries, but not so much for the protagonist lowest Dex that did next to no dmg but survived everything and did all the talking as an MC Stolen Land Kostuco, Imperial Tessel, OPTC, Maldun, Arnivola, Solitudem form the Osterium Sphere alliance. Toshlaria is disbanded as a Huitca vassal and reabsorbed into the Federation. Metadata Coordinator (MC) Metadata coordinators (MCs), help and advise Book Coordinators, and take over the files with the completed recordings (soloists are also Book Coordinators in this sense, as they prepare their own files for the Meta coordinators).
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