Even though she has moments of light stubbornness, she is easy to train and incredibly smart and social. The Whippet, for example, generally stands about 18-22 inches tall and weighs around 25-40 pounds. I am trying to crate train her. For this reason, we always recommend it. My dog was 15 year and 4 month. Some are considered hypoallergenic, meaning they don’t shed much, and some do shed. Also keep in mind that whenever dealing with a crossbreed dog, you are going to get a number of physical traits that could vary depending on what your puppy inherits from his purebred parents. Simply stunning litter of lurcher pups, with the most unique colours and eyecatching … Since you are dealing with a crossbreed that has Whippet parentage, you should have a safely enclosed backyard with a fence that is at least five feet tall. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about the Whippet Terrier. Despite the price being higher when going through a breeder, one benefit is that you will have the ability to ask more questions regarding temperament, health issues and if there have been any problems with previous litters. Your email address will not be published. Bogle is one of the strong, muscular, and athletic boxer cross breeds that inherits its expressive face, drooping ears, deep chest, and a long body with well-balanced posture from its ancestors. What do you know about the Whippet Terrier mix? If this cross uses a Miniature Poodle or Toy Poodle as one of the parents, the resulting pups are likely to weigh somewhere between 4 to 40 pounds when fully grown. Given the nature of both breeds is friendly and loving, the Cavachon make great family pets. However, he is an adaptable dog who will do well in both apartments and larger homes and family settings, as long as he is properly exercised daily. She is Whippet and Jack Russel mix. How about one whose temperament will be energetic and sweet, playful and affectionate? They sound like a nice dog. View the AWC Breeder Directory. Fox TerrierOne of the smallest dogs on this list, the Fox Terrier has a nice wiry coat that keeps him … However, both the Whippet and Terrier groups are known to do well with children and in family settings. The phrase, “large but noble” is the best possible way to describe this breed. The Whippet Jack Russell mix is a lively little cross … Both Whippets and Terrier breeds are very intelligent, but they can also be stubborn. She must have had a hear attack. This breed of dog doent like to be in confined spots, like crates. Here is all that you need to know about the crossbreed if you are thinking about inviting a furry new family member into your home: Patterdale Terrier The Patterdale Terrier is a breed that … He’s fast like a Whippet, never barks (he’ll make crying or groaning noises if he wants your attention) and just loves to cuddle and kiss. John Paul Scott and John L. Fuller, Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog, The Classic Study, Dog Behavior: The Genetic Basics, Tiffani J Howell, Tammie King, Pauleen C Bennett, Puppy Parties and Beyond: the role of early age socialization practices on adult dog behavior, Volume 6, pages 143-153, Lowell Acumen DVM, DACVD, MBA, MOA, The Genetic Connection; a Guide to Health Problems in Purebred Dogs, Second Edition, 2011, Purebred Vs Mutt – Common Objections to Mixed Breed Dogs, Carol Beuchat PhD, The Myth of Hybrid Vigor in Dogs…Is A Myth, D. Caroline Coile, Ph.D. Whippets, A Complete Pet Owner’s Manual, Dana S Mosher, Pascale Quignon, Carlos D Bustamante, Nathan B Sutter, Cathryn S Mellersh, Heidi G Parker, Elaine A Ostrander, A Mutation in the Myostatin Gene Increases Muscle Mass and Enhances Racing Performance in Heterozygote Dogs, PLOS Genetics, Heidi G. Parker, Lisa V. Kim, Nathan B. Sutter, Scott Carlson, Travis D. Lorentzen, Tiffany B. Malek, Gary S. Johnson, Genetic Structure of the Purebred Domestic Dog, E.G. Still, and as always, we recommend early socialization and obedience training with your Whippet Terrier mix to ensure he is a happy, healthy, well-rounded dog who can go with you everywhere without worry. Our work is not Public Domain. This rough coat was due to the cross-breeding with the Bedlington Terrier. Bogle is a mix dog breed between boxer and beagle. When you’re done reading, you’ll know if this one of a kind crossbreed is right for you! Your Whippet Terrier Mix could be a cross between a number of terriers. Isn’t a crossbreed just a mutt? • Black How do you ensure you find the healthiest puppy from the most reliable source? While all Whippets have shorter, sleeker coats that shed moderately, the Terrier type comes in all coat forms, with different coats that come in different lengths. Hair is sleek and buttery soft but she sheds like a Jack Russell so there is enough hair to make a coat. Hailing from the sighthound group, the Whippet is a descendant of the famous Greyhound. However, naysayers insist that crossbreeds have just as many risk factors as purebreds do when it comes to generational health issues. So it will be hard to determine what you’ll get, even when you know the type of Terrier your Whippet cross is mixed with. She was a rescue dog and lived for 14 wonderful years. The Whipperman is not a purebred dog. I have Multiple Sclerosis, and he is right by my side to help me through the difficult times. The Terrier group’s lifespan can range from 8-17 years, depending on which type of Terrier you are dealing with. An athletic breed, the Portuguese Water Dog needs vigorous daily exercise and would do best with a very active family. He knew nothing about being a dog like walking on a leash or going up and down stairs. He killed a chicken a few weeks ago, but I’m not sure he realizes what he did. He is a natural emotional support dog. She had over 100 stuffed animals. Consistent training with positive reinforcement should ensure that training your Whippet Terrier mix goes smoothly and is a fun experience for the both of you! Many advocates of crossbreeding think it could be a solution to these inheritable health problems. With a rich history and a variety of characteristics, the Whippet Terrier mix is as unique as they come. They are also more susceptible to problems with anesthetics. one is flopped forward, like a Whippet, but the other stands straight up. His life was very upsetting. They are about the same age and so identical, they could be litter mates, though the new dog has a slightly more whippet look. Still, one of the benefits of rescuing, aside from the low price, is that many shelters will cover the initial vet fees before the adoption. Both excellent dogs! Because the mix is half Whippet, the ideal home type would have a secure backyard with a fence that is at least five feet or taller. You should also keep in mind that reputable breeders will be able to provide certificates proving their dogs were health screened, ensuring they are healthy and ready to go home with you! Some variations of terrier, such as the Wheaten Terrier, were also used for herding. Sadly, my 2 older animals passed last week and she fell into a deep depression. While some terriers are very small, averaging 2.7 pounds, others can grow to be as large as 70 pounds! The good news - we've both lost weight because of her need for exercise!". In 1888, the Whippet became officially registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC), where he now ranks at number 60 out of 194 on the list of America’s most popular dog breeds. In contrast to their intimidating size, Great Danes are one of the best-natured dogs. He’s THE most affectionate dog on the planet. Cross of a Maltese and a Poodle: Peekapoo: Cross of a Pekingese and a Poodle. I am considering adopting a rat terrier whippet mix puppy. PWDs are intelligent, loyal workers. Thank you Today the Whippet is the 59th most popular breed in the United States. In our opinion, she is the perfect pet. Merging the DNA of the Greyhound and German Shepherd certainly gives some pretty amazing … Energy is high for visitors and when we return home, very high and cratable to calm her. I would like to do a DNA test just to see exactly what breeds my new baby is. The Whippet Terrier mix is a cross of all these things and more! She barks when people arrive and when they leave. Although both are too insecure (being pound puppies) for trials at this time, I hope eventually they may try this, at least in play. The Poodle is a popular choice for mixed breed dogs. Kathleen Miller. The Terrier group’s features are a bit more wide-ranging. Remember, what you get with your Whippet Terrier mix will mostly depend on what type of Terrier the Whippet is crossed with. Kathleen Miller, Your email address will not be published. I felt that going down the stairs first might be easier… He scooted all the way down the stairs on his belly. Whippets are known for jumping and running, and your Whippet Terrier mix’s high prey drive could mean he will take off at rocket speed after anything smaller than him that moves. : Puggle: Cross of a Pug and a Beagle. She likes to bark when I try to correct her, if I tell her not to do something she with bark as though she is talking back to me. It is a cross between the Whippet and the Doberman Pinscher. He definitely is a hunter. A daily walk and romps in the yard will be enough to keep your Whippet Terrier mix in good shape! Just make sure you do your research so you know exactly what you’re getting! Also known as the “Poor Man’s Race Horse” or “Lightning Rag Dog,” he became a favorite in racing sports, utilizing his lean body and loyal nature to win matches for his master. Still, when considering bringing a new dog into our lives, it’s important to learn as much about them as possible. She was a Doberman mix. Remember, the Whippet Terrier mix is even broader than your typical crossbreed since the Terrier is more of a type than a specific breed. While the Whippet’s coat is generally smooth and sleek, it does come in a variety of colors, including: • Brindle The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk, The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. You may have heard the terms “designer dog” or “hybrid dog.” Both terms are often used when referring to a crossbreed, such as the Whippet Terrier mix. The sleek, sweet-faced Whippet, the “Poor Man’s Racehorse,” is lightning quick. Nails are black so hard to see the quick. As soon as we got in the car, I told him his name was BUGSY. I got a rescue about two years ago and the vet claims he’s a Whippet/Terrier but no telling unless we do a DNA test. These dogs… For this reason, he may not do well with other, smaller household pets like guinea pigs, rats, birds, or even cats. She rarely barks, is a natural “hunter” as I call her, and is smart, quick, affectionate, and sometimes stubborn with that “no way” look. One thing you should keep in mind, however, is that the Whippet especially is extremely fast. For this reason, they are not meant to be outdoor dogs. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. And the Whipoodle is a blend of the Whippet, and Poodle. By grace of God, I found an almost identical Whippet Terrier mix on the internet at a nearby low kill shelter. It’s no secret that purebred dogs have a long list of health issues as a result of overbreeding throughout the centuries. Best snuggle bug ever. If you have a chance to get one, do so! Well, this is a small part of the debate. AWC Member Breeder and Breed Information Contact List. She doesnt know how to play catch but she is great at fetch and tease and tug of war! She had been having health issues for about a year. They’re very quiet, rare barkers great for city dwellers, and they love to curl up with their owners and chill. We usebher crate to contain the energy. She had been returned to shelter 5 times before she was a year old. Hi Jay, She is half Whippet and half Doberman, according to the Houston dog shelter. Though it may seem like an unlikely combination, the crossing of these two breeds actually produces a very streamlined dog. Both the Whippet breed and the Terrier group have a high prey drive and will love chasing after toys and playing fetch. • Blue Ive had her 5 years now and shea is the sweetness baby ever. Labradoodle – a cross between a labrador and poodle, very trendy, looks stunning (like an Italian … Could you tell me how much you dog weighs? Poodles and Whippets are both low shedding breeds. Although she has developed diabetes we are getting that straight. Here is just a sample: No matter what variety you have, the basic characteristics will remain the same. The Whippet Terrier mix is a newer crossbreed, and because of this, his exact origin is a bit difficult to pinpoint. While Whippets are not highly dependent on human attention, they do require a good deal of it, and indoor living suits the breed best. She is the sweetest, most sensitive dog. Since the Whippet breed and the Terrier group both have hunting in their ancestry, you can expect your Whippet Terrier mix to have some hunting instincts. They often resemble a slightly heavy Whippet or a somewhat lanky Lab. Bogle is also known as Boxer Beagle Mix or Boxel, boggle. I would love to have another and would appreciate any info on where I could find the mix breed. She runs hard and fast, plays joyfully, is one of the sweetest most universally friendly and loving dogs I have ever known, and loves to snuggle. We have a local county park where dogs can run free and she goes at least once a day. Luckily, the histories of his purebred parents have been very well documented. The Kennel Club in the UK officially granted the Whippet recognition in 1891. It took no time at all to realize this poor boy had been extremely abused. Got a Whippet Terrier puppy from a shelter 9 months ago. This should help to give us an idea of where the Whippet Terrier Mix comes from. It took her two weeks to bark at all, she was so afraid; she’d flinch and cower if we moved fast or picked up a stick. Could you tell me how much you dog weighs? His name was MOUSE the day I brought him home. His ears are strange though. We made a GREAT choice with her. The frame of a powerful Boxer, but the freshness and appeal of a Whippet. They will thrive in a small living environment, as long as regular walks are maintained, and they have a reputation for being clean and respectful of furniture. She literally hugs, snuggles, kisses affectionately, sleeps under the covers (unfortunately), loves to go for walks, and play tug of war. Whippets are also more sensitive to extreme weather conditions because of their lower body weight and short coats. One of the more common cross breeds is a Cavachon. She was found in a remote dump at about a year old, skinny and hungry, had recently had a litter of pups. We hope that with proper training, early socialization, and a lot of love, the two of you will make a very happy pair! The Whippet, with his lifespan of 12-15 years, is most prone to cancer, epilepsy, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, eye problems that could lead to blindness such as cataracts, heart diseases, diarrhea from stress or food intolerance, colitis, chronic allergies, and birth defects such as partial or complete deafness. For a family, this is a perfect pet. : Pomchi: Cross of a Pomeranian and a Chihuahua, the Pomchi is bred as a small lap dog; height usually ranges from 6 to 9 inches (15.2 to 22.9 cm) and weight 2 to 5 pounds (0.9 to 2.3 kg), it can be any solid colour or parti-colour. Thank you Some consider mutts and crossbreeds to be one and the same. Ironically, only one of her ears stands up as well. I am amazed at how wonderful this crossbreed is. Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog, Puppy Parties and Beyond: the role of early age socialization practices on adult dog behavior, The Myth of Hybrid Vigor in Dogs…Is A Myth, A Mutation in the Myostatin Gene Increases Muscle Mass and Enhances Racing Performance in Heterozygote Dogs, Genetic Structure of the Purebred Domestic Dog, Why We Love the Dogs We Do: How to Find the Dog That Matches Your Personality, Best Food For Yorkie Puppy Health and Happiness, Best Pitbull Toys – The Best Chew Proof Toys For Puppies And Adult Dogs. They sound like a nice dog. Bugsy is an awesome dog. Now she has gained about 6 pounds and is 20″ tall at shoulder, a very lean svelte 35 pounds. I too rescued a dog that I believe is whippet/terrier mix. I really love my Bugsy, and I am so happy that I took a chance on a very frightened timid dog. her estimated born date is 2/26/19. Like most dogs, your Whippet Terrier mix will need a diet that includes a high-quality dog food as well as plenty of fresh water every day. For this reason, we have provided you with everything you should know regarding the Whippet Terrier mix. Terrier breeds, on the other hand, come in all colors and fur/hair types. I just love my Whippet mix and hope I can find him a sister or brother some day. He definitely looks like a Whippet with the long neck, muscular torso, coloring and short coat. While the purebred Whippet is a more exact breed, the terrier is a type consisting of several breeds. She excels at beginning agility training, and we continue to pursue that for her enjoyment, and ours. Whippet x Bulldog mix = Bullwhip Whippet x Doberman Pinscher mix = Whipperman However, if you have your sights set on a breeder, be prepared to spend anywhere from $200 to more than $800 depending on the purebred parent breeds and whether or not they are show quality. Your Whippet Terrier Mix could be a cross between a number of terriers. In terms of size, expect one that is going to be a bit more powerful than your average Whippet. The best way to determine what your Whippet Terrier mix might look like is to take a look at the basic physical traits of his parents. I am looking at the Whippet Terrier Mix. Don’t be fooled, however. Today, terrier breeds are mostly family pets, adored for their feisty, spunky, affectionate personalities. Sad to say, it was an appropriate name… He was very timid. To read more about the debate between purebred dogs vs crossbred dogs, visit us here. The whippet is still known by the nickname it earned in those days: the poor man's racehorse. Contents & Graphics Copyright © Dog Breed Info Center® (C) 1998- var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()); . If you have a secured home without other small pets, are able to provide the proper training and socialization for this breed, are willing to have a mostly indoor dog, and are looking for an affectionate, playful, and curious dog, then the Whippet Terrier mix might be right for you! Both the Whippet and the Terrier have a high prey drive, so homes with smaller pets such as rodents, birds, or small cats may not be right for a Whippet Terrier mix. This means we do a defurmination every couple months. Since the debate is ongoing as to whether crossbred dogs are healthier than purebred dogs, it’s important to know what health issues your Whippet Terrier mix’s parents are predisposed to. To ensure you know as much as possible about your prospective Whippet Terrier mix, it is best to know exactly what type of Terrier parent it comes from. While there are plenty of mixed breeds in shelters, finding a Whippet Terrier mix could be hit or miss depending on what’s available at the time you are looking. He is safe now. Still, with the Terrier breeds, there is more of a standard when it comes to temperament. Are you looking for a unique crossbreed whose appearance could vary depending on its purebred parents? Do you have a Whippet Terrier? She's a sight hound and will chase anything that moves, but is highly trainable and has learned that our deck cat is a "leave it" item. Also known as the “Apollo of Dogs”, this German breed holds the record for being the tallest dog ever. It is amazing! The Material contained herein may not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author. Because the Whippet Terrier mix is a crossbreed, his looks will vary depending on what type of specific Terrier breed he is bred from, as well as whatever else he inherits from his purebred parents. Remember that since both the Whippet breed and the Terrier type have hunting backgrounds, your Whippet Terrier mix is going to likely have a higher prey drive. Besides its obvious Greyhound association, the whippet probably has an early dash of ratting terrier (for quickness) and a later cross with Italian greyhounds (for elegance and refinement). Their waterproof coat … She spends time off-leash in the yard and very early in the morning when my husband walks her. Whippets may be cross bred with other dog breeds, resulting in new cross-breeds, such as: Lurcher – A Whippet or, more commonly, a Greyhound, crossed with a working dog, such as a Collie or a Terrier Pippit – Cross between a Whippet and a Pit Bull What is the difference between the Whippet Terrier mix and a purebred Whippet or a purebred Terrier? Grooming your Whippet Terrier mix will depend on the type of terrier your Whippet is crossed with. The Bedlington Whippet cross was highly popular in Northumberland and Durham. While the Whippet is known for his friendly, curious, and calm demeanor, the Terrier group is, as a whole, known to be feisty, outgoing, and energetic! The best dog I ever had was a whippet terrier mix. If you are looking into rescuing this crossbreed from a shelter, keep in mind that rescue prices range anywhere from $50 to $100. Keep in mind that unlike many other crossbreeds, the Whippet Terrier Mix is a broad concept. But how do you go about finding the perfect Whippet Terrier mix puppy? I tell him to stop, and he continues to try under his breath, almost as if he is arguing with me. Remember, the Whippet can easily leap over anything shorter than five feet. This mean-looking breed has acquired some of the best qualities from both the parents. Don't miss out on the perfect companion to life with a purrfect friend. • Fawn He loves his toys, so I’m thinking maybe he thought that’s what it was. My female Charlie is almost 7, adopted at 3.5. The Whippet Border Collie Mix, is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Border Collie and the Whippet. Perhaps the biggest issue in the debate of crossbreeds and purebred dogs is the issue of health. I adopted a Jack Russell whippet 2 years ago from an adoption agency working with PetSmart. All Rights Reserved. A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Bichon Frise are mixed to create this little hybrid. They are two peas in a pod! Whippet Coal miners in Victorian England enjoyed rabbit hunting and dog racing, but they couldn’t afford to feed and house large breeds like greyhounds. Walsh & Mary Lowe, The English Whippet, Second Edition, Stanley Coren, Why We Love the Dogs We Do: How to Find the Dog That Matches Your Personality. Does the dog in your life have a cat in theirs? And so glad I adopted him. The Whippet dog breed was a hunter’s best friend, speedily going after rabbits and other small game. While studies are still ongoing and there is no definitive proof to support either side of the argument, one thing is for sure—we love our dogs regardless of their ancestry! Whippet Cross. We adopted our whippet terrier mix exactly a year ago today. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. I love this girl to the moon and back and feel blessed to have found her. Guinness is a very sensitive dog that must be handled, like all Whippets, with gentle commands. Despite their tough appearance, they are excellent companion dogs that are loving and friendly. His first introduction to stairs was bittersweet. Not all of these designer hybrid dogs being bred are 50% purebred to 50% purebred. A Great Dane called Zeus was measured at 111.8 cm from paw to shoulder. I did not know what a Whippet was until I looked it up. My grandsons LOVE her, especially chasing her around the yard when she “skidaddles” at breakneck speed. She is a talker and tslks back like a teenager. Whippets are an excellent example of this type of breed with their distinctive S-curve chests. It is a cross between the Whippet and the Doberman Pinscher. They are both intelligent and affectionate, and should make wonderful family companions.
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